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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Credit Card on File Agreement

At Geode, we are committed to enhancing your patient experience, and one approach we’re taking is simplifying the payment process. By providing the option to securely store your credit card on file, we aim to streamline your ability to pay for your care. This aligns with the standard practice in healthcare today, allowing you to conveniently take care of co-pays or outstanding balances either during check-in or by giving our office a call.

On average, it typically takes insurance companies about two weeks to process claims that have been submitted. The specifics of your individual policy and benefits will determine the amount you owe for each date of service, whether it’s in the form of co-pay, coinsurance, or deductible. Once we receive and review all the final explanations of benefits from the relevant insurance providers, your patient responsibility will be determined and assigned accordingly. Rest assured, Geode will notify you about any outstanding balance at least five (5) days prior to drafting payment from the card on file. During this notice period, you have the option to use the portal to submit an alternative form of payment or contact our office to arrange payment. However, if no payment is received within the five-day window, your balance will be processed using the card on file.

Any card information entered through Epion will be encrypted and securely transmitted to your patient chart. For the storage of your credit card, Geode partners with Elavon, Inc., a highly secured credit card processor affiliated with U.S. Bank. They handle the payment processing to ensure the safety and confidentiality of your information.

Geode has introduced a credit card on file policy to streamline your payment process and provide you with peace of mind. With a card on file, you no longer need to risk carrying cash, bringing a check or credit card to your visit, as your balance will be automatically paid on time. This is especially beneficial for patients who may have a responsible party who cannot be physically present at each appointment, as they can still make payments seamlessly. Additionally, having a credit card on file allows us to easily issue refunds if necessary, reducing administrative burdens and freeing up our team members’ time to provide assistance to patients over the phone or in-person.

Please contact your office directly with any questions or contact our billing department at (866) 688-9870, option 3.

Yes. You will continue to receive statements as indicated on your new patient forms. In the event you wish to change your communication preference please reach out to your office and they will assist you with your request.

Yes, time of service payment can be processed through any accepted payment method and does not have to be processed using the on the card on file.

FAQs: Late Arrival and Missed Appointments

When you schedule an appointment with your provider, they allocate a specific time slot just for you. Arriving late not only hampers your provider’s ability to deliver the high-quality care you deserve at Geode, but it can also have a ripple effect on other patient appointments. Similarly, canceling on the same day or failing to show up altogether denies your provider the opportunity to assist other patients in need. We do acknowledge life happens and there may be unforeseen circumstances that may prevent you from attending your appointment. In such cases, please notify our office as soon as possible if you are running late or need to reschedule your appointment. Our aim is to work together with you to minimize appointment fees and maximize provider availability.

As a company we constantly look for ways to increase appointment availability for new and existing patients. Moving to a cancellation notice period of 48 hours, we will open more availability on providers schedules allowing new and existing patients the opportunity to see a provider.

As a company, we continuously seek ways to enhance appointment availability for both new and existing patients. By implementing a 48-hour notice period for cancellations, we can free up additional time slots on providers’ schedules, creating more opportunities for individuals to schedule appointments and receive the care they need.

When you schedule your initial appointment with Geode, we dedicate a generous 60 minutes for you to collaborate with your provider and establish a personalized wellness plan. To accommodate this longer appointment duration and align with the time set aside on providers’ schedules, we have implemented a cancellation or missed initial appointment fee of $125. Additionally, we have adjusted our existing patient fee to $75 to reflect changes in the duration of our follow-up appointments.

Please note that our intention is not to simply collect fees, but rather to work closely with you to reschedule your appointment and open the time slot to other patients. This way, we can continue to provide timely and comprehensive care to everyone in our practice.

FAQs: Coding and Billing

Most of our claims for follow-up visits with psychiatric prescribers (psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners, and physician assistants) will include an evaluation and management code (99212/99213/99214/99215) depending on the complexity of the visit. The 90833 code is used when the provider incorporated at least 16 minutes of therapy into the visit. This time does not need to be consecutive and can occur any time during the encounter. This is because therapy is often woven into the visit.

At Geode Health, we prioritize attentive listening and addressing the unique needs of our patients. We strongly encourage our licensed clinicians to integrate therapy into their appointments, as it is a crucial component of delivering comprehensive and holistic mental health care. Research shows that a combination of therapy and medications leads to the most favorable outcomes.

The coding and billing of your visit is based on the specific services rendered during your appointment. It’s important to note that your insurance plan may categorize your visit differently depending on factors like duration and the specific services provided.

If you believe that your visit has been applied incorrectly towards your deductible/coinsurance, we recommend reaching out to your insurance provider for clarification. In the event your claim has been processed inaccurately, your insurance company will make the necessary corrections and provide us with an updated status.

For patients with copays, it is expected that only one copay is assigned per date of service for each provider. If you happen to notice multiple copays listed on your explanation of benefits (EOB), please notify us as soon as possible Our dedicated billing team will promptly contact your insurance provider to reprocess the claim and ensure that you are not billed for any duplicate copays.

To reach our billing team please call (866) 688-9870, option 3.

Unfortunately, we are unable to determine the exact billing details prior to your appointment. Following your visit, your provider will complete the necessary documentation, which includes the coding for the services rendered during your appointment.

If you have scheduled a follow-up visit with a psychiatric prescriber for a duration of 30 minutes or more, your bill may include an evaluation and management (E/M) code, as well as the additional therapy modifier.

[Therapy Modifiers: 90833 for 16 – 37 minutes; 90836 for 38 – 52 minutes]

FAQs: Self-pay rate change and credit card on file requirements

When we launched Geode Health, we were able to offer highly discounted self-pay rates. Due to inflation and other economic pressures, we have made the challenging decision to raise our self-pay rates. We understand the impact that increases in the cost of services has on our patients, so we have postponed this transition to January 1, 2024. We are committed to working through this transition with patients to reduce the impact of these changes and avoid any disruption in patient care, allowing current patients time to work with their provider and determine the best option for continued care.

Geode offers payment plans for patients who may be experiencing financial hardship. Please contact our billing department at 888-902-1704 to review your options.

All self-pay patients are required to sign a patient self-pay agreement. This agreement provides you with our self-pay rates for each service and explains the financial requirements for self-pay patients. If you are a self-pay patient and do not have a credit or debit card, please notify a member of Geode Health If you are unable to pay at the time of your appointment, you will be asked to reschedule for a later date, unless your provider deems it a clinical risk.