Overcoming trauma disorders
If you’ve experienced a traumatic event or period of ongoing trauma, you may benefit from speaking to one of our specialists.

What are trauma disorders?
Trauma disorders are mental health conditions that are caused by traumatic experiences, such as witnessing violence, losing a loved one, being in a natural disaster, and abuse. These disorders can lead to flashbacks, violent outbursts, social withdrawal, intense fear, or anxiety and depression that can interfere with daily life activities.
Trauma disorders Geode clinicians successfully treat
PTSD is a mental health condition that can develop after exposure to a traumatic event, such as a car accident, natural disaster, sexual assault, or combat.
Treatment options include therapy, medication, and self-care techniques such as exercise, mindfulness, and meditation. The goal of treatment is to reduce symptoms, improve coping skills, and enhance overall quality of life
Flashbacks, nightmares, intrusive thoughts, and avoidance of reminders of the traumatic event
ASD is similar to PTSD, though the reaction to trauma is often much briefer than in PTSD, and can last between a few days a one month
At Geode Health, our clinicians treat ASD with therapy, which can reduce the risk of further developing PTSD.
Flashbacks, nightmares or intrusive memories, avoidance of reminders of the traumatic event, anxiety, sleep disturbances, irritability, and difficulty concentrating.
Adjustment disorder is a mental health condition that occurs when a person struggles to cope with a stressful life event, such as a job loss or the death of a loved one.
Treatment for adjustment disorder typically involves therapy and/or medication to manage symptoms and improve coping skills.
Feeling sad, hopeless or not enjoying things you used to enjoy; frequent crying; sleep disturbances; lack of appetite; difficulty concentrating; avoiding important daily activities such as going to work or paying bills

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Frequently asked questions about trauma disorders
Trauma involves exposure to a deeply distressing experience, such as death, serious injury, or violence. This can occur either through directly experiencing the traumatic event or witnessing it happen to others. Traumatic experiences can have a lasting impact on a person’s physical, emotional, and social well-being.
Some common causes of trauma include:
- Sudden, life-threatening events such as accidents, natural disasters, or assaults
- Violence, abuse, or neglect in childhood
- Living through a violent event, such as war or a terror attack
- Death or loss of a loved one, especially if it is sudden
- A period of ongoing distress, such as a physically or emotionally abusive relationship
Trauma is deeply personal, and what is traumatic to one person may not be to another. Even if you are not physically in danger, any experience that causes heightened psychological distress can be a source of trauma.
Experiencing trauma does not always lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event may trigger a number of mental health conditions that are difficult to manage on your own. Even if you do not have PTSD, seeking help from a mental health professional can help you better understand and cope with your experience.
The signs and symptoms of trauma disorders can vary from person to person and can change over time. Some common symptoms of trauma disorders include:
- Flashbacks or intrusive thoughts
- Nightmares or disturbing dreams
- Avoidance of people, places, things, or activities that remind you of the traumatic experience
- Excessive anxiety or irrational fears
- Depression or feelings of emptiness
- Anger, irritability, or mood swings
- Difficulty concentrating or sleeping
When a person experiences trauma, it can have long-lasting effects. Trauma is not something that simply disappears; however, there are treatments available to help people cope with the aftermath of traumatic events. While your experiences will never “go away,” with the right treatment, you can overcome the effects your trauma has had on your ability to live life to the fullest.
Coping with trauma can be extremely difficult. Processing trauma takes time, and people may deal with the lasting effects of trauma for years following the event itself.
However, your trauma does not have to define your life. Treatment is available. At Geode Health, our trauma services are designed to help you manage the symptoms of trauma and work through difficult experiences. Our experts will create an individualized treatment plan that is tailored to your needs. These treatment options include trauma-informed talk therapy, medication management, and advanced treatments such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS).

If you are in crisis and in need of immediate support
Please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline by dialing 988 or text the Crisis Text Line by texting HELLO to 741741